• Won 1st place against 18 teams at national CanSat competition; designed 300g satellite with on-board computer to conduct scientific mission aboard rocket
• Represented Canada as the national champion at the European Space Agency's international CanSat event alongside 24 countries
• Programmed a PJRC Teensy 4.0 in C++ (Arduino) for efficient data collection and transmission; data received via Long Range Radio (LoRa)
• Built a functional React mission control dashboard for real-time graph data visualization and using Websockets for live telemetry.
• Developed a custom radio protocol for bidirectional data transmission and remote command execution to activate motors and sensors from 1000m+ altitude
YouTube Filmmaker and Education Communicator
• Garnered over 160,000 views and 1,900 subscribers illuminating on homemade engineering projects and educational videos
• Worked on various projects such as a flying drone umbrella, custom VR headset, and a robotic AI trash can using ROS, OpenCV, and Deep Learning