
Hinson Chan

Stanford University, Bachelor of Computer Science
Linear Algebra, Multivariable Calculus; Programming Abstractions; Computer Organization & Systems; Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning
Co-founder & Lead Software Engineer, Full-Stack Software Engineer
EduBeyond Education Inc.
May 2022 • Present
Built EduBeyond's new complete Learning Management System in 2 months leading a team of three developers using Nextjs and React
Designed end-to-end real-time chatbot websocket messaging architecture and backend Express api
Integrated Retrieval Augmented Generation with the OpenAI SDK and Haystack interfacing with a backend FastAPI
Generated and tested students with over 100,000+ personalized real-time practice questions, improving instructor quiz creation speeds by 400%
Led the company from a migration off MongoDB; designed entire PostgreSQL database schema and managed data migrations
Architected massively-scalable cloud infrastructure using Docker, Railway, and Vercel and managed testing and deployment pipelines on Github CI/CD
Deployed globally to Indonesia's largest telecommunications company with over $400M ARR
Formally endorsed by the United Nations as a high-impact education startup and by the Office of the Presidency of Indonesia
Independent Software Vendor (ISV) Partner with Google and Amazon's Edstart portfolio
Won 1st at global Moonshot Awards (1/1500 companies), finalist for Samsung's Solve for Tomorrow Canada, and semifinalist for MIT Solve[ED]
Built popular chain-of-thought Python library based on OpenAI SDK with over 30,000 downloads
Used in production by EduBeyond to guide personalized learning with informed contextual generation
Developed a pixel tracker for hundreds of websites and projects in production to easily analyze page views and geographic data
Tracked over 500,000+ page views from 40k+ distinct users across 2500+ cities across a span of six months
Helped companies analyze user experience and make informed decisions on the reach and engagement of their content
ESA CanSat Design Competition - Team Canada
Won 1st place against 18 teams at national CanSat competition; designed 300g satellite with on-board computer to conduct scientific mission aboard rocket
Represented Canada as the national champion at the European Space Agency's international CanSat event alongside 24 countries
Programmed a PJRC Teensy 4.0 in C++ (Arduino) for efficient data collection and transmission; data received via Long Range Radio (LoRa)
Built a functional React mission control dashboard for real-time graph data visualization and using Websockets for live telemetry.
Developed a custom radio protocol for bidirectional data transmission and remote command execution to activate motors and sensors from 1000m+ altitude
YouTube Filmmaker and Education Communicator
Garnered over 160,000 views and 1,900 subscribers illuminating on homemade engineering projects and educational videos
Worked on various projects such as a flying drone umbrella, custom VR headset, and a robotic AI trash can using ROS, OpenCV, and Deep Learning
Python, TypeScript/JavaScript, HTML/CSS, C++, SQL, Rust, Dart, Kotlin, Golang, Java
React/Next.js, TailwindCSS, Node.js, Express, Flask, FastAPI, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Websocket, Tensorflow, Vitest, Puppeteer, Flutter
Git, Github, Railway, Fly, Vercel, Docker, Figma
Schulich Leaders Scholarship (offered): Top 100 out of 350,000 students across Canada, recognizing entrepreneurial talent in STEM.
Canadian Computing Competition, Honour Roll: Top 22/4000 globally ~0.5% of participants